4 Tips For Changing Back To Maiden Name After A Divorce
For many women going through a divorce, changing back to their maiden last name can be an empowering act. After all, you are no longer going to be spending your life with your former spouse, and keeping his last name when you are no longer married may feel wrong and also cause confusion and misunderstandings. Luckily, legally changing back to your maiden name is relatively simple. Here are four tips for changing back to your maiden name after a divorce:
Suing for Lost Wages Due to Injury? What You Need to Know
If you've been injured in an accident, you know that medical bills aren't the only expense that you have to worry about while you're recovering from your injury. All of your regular bills continue to stack up as well, and it can be tough to pay them if you can't work because of your injury. This is why it's important to include lost wages in any personal injury lawsuit that you bring to receive compensation for your injuries.
Filing for Social Security Disability: What To Do If You'Ve Been Denied
If you have a disability, it may be hard for you to work a traditional job. If you are unable to work a traditional job, you may have decided to apply for social security disability as a way of receiving some financial assistance that would help you pay for basic necessities, such as clothing, food and a comfortable place to live. After completing the lengthy application process, you may have received a notice in the mail stating that you were denied the benefits you were trying to receive.
Considering A Medical Malpractice Case? Challenges You'll Face
Doctors have a difficult job. It's not always easy to diagnose illnesses or find the right treatment, and sometimes they can do all the right things, and it still doesn't work. However, there are also times when doctors make serious mistakes – and a doctor's mistake or negligence can have severe consequences for your health. When a doctor's mistake has a serious negative impact on your health, it's natural to want restitution for your pain and suffering, as well as for any additional medical bills you incur because of the mistake.
Will You Blow The Whistle For The SEC?
The role of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is to maintain fair and orderly markets, protect investors, and assist with the creation of capital. To do this they depend on companies, brokers, dealers, and exchanges being truthful, fair and honest. Due to securities fraud, these things do not always happen, and people end up making investment decisions based on false information. While there are often those that know these things are taking place, they are not always forthcoming, whether due to their own role in the deception, fear of retaliation, or for other reasons, but there are others that are willing to be a whistleblower.
Proving You're Unable To Obtain Gainful Employment
One of the requirements for being approved for long-term disability is you must be unable to obtain gainful employment. However, the definition of gainful employment can vary depending on the insurance company and policy. Here's what you need to know about this requirement to help you qualify for benefits.
Understand the Company's Definition of Gainful Employment
The first thing you need to do is study your long-term disability insurance policy and determine if it defines gainful employment by whether you can get a job in your own occupation or any occupation.
Actions To Take After Your Spouse Walks Out
If you're dealing with the emotional aftermath of your spouse leaving you for good, dealing with the financial and legal ramifications may not be the first thing on your mind. However, it is important to make sure you do take action to help protect yourself and your family. Taking steps for recovery right away can make divorce proceedings and custody agreements easier to arrange in the future. Here are some things to get you started.
Child Custody Mediation: 4 Unique Days to Request Time with Your Children
If you're going through a divorce with children, then one of the more complicated matters is discussing a child custody agreement. Along with figuring out regular days of a week for you to have custody of your kids, a divorce lawyer can help you get through mediation with your spouse for special days. Holidays like Christmas and occasions like your child's birthday are obvious times to discuss in mediation, but there are other days that you can request as well.
Divorce & Custody Mediation: 4 Scheduling Factors To Consider For Your Children
As a family goes through a divorce, one of the hardest things to deal with is typically family custody. Custody and visitation issues have so many complications, including days of the week, school schedules, and holidays. As you go through custody negotiations with a family law attorney, there are four different factors to consider as it applies to your child's schedule. Figuring out these factors during mediation will help eliminate any problems or issues that may occur in the future.
Tagging Someone On Social Media Could Land You In Jail
For some people, interacting with others on social media is as natural and necessary as breathing air. While tagging photos and sending messages to people can be fun, it can land you in jail if you send it to the wrong person. Namely, if someone has a no-contact order against you, tagging them or using the individual's name in a message could be seen as a violation of the restraining order.
Three Questions All New Landlords Must Ask Themselves When Growing A Property Portfolio
Being a landlord isn't easy, and if you're new to the property development game, you will likely make a few mistakes along the way. However, while knowledge comes with experience, it's important you don't make too many hiccups in the early stages as this can have a huge impact on your profit. Therefore, ask yourself the three questions below to help you navigate the early stages of being a landlord:
Protecting Yourself In A Divorce: 3 Reasons For Contesting Prenuptial Agreements
To protect themselves financially during a divorce, approximately 3% of married couples have prenuptial agreements set in place that outline how assets are to be distributed in the event of a divorce. If you are preparing yourself for a divorce, it may be time to review your prenuptial agreement in order to determine whether all of the terms and conditions are fair and reasonable with a local divorce attorney. Although you may have signed a prenuptial agreement, the agreement may not necessarily be valid, and you may contest it in court during your divorce.
Tips For Keeping Your Stress Level Under Control During A Divorce
Stress-free divorces are not exactly common; however, there are steps you can take that may help you reduce the stress level you experience during your divorce. Keeping your stress level under control will not only be beneficial to you, but it may also help your kids make it through this time easier and with less trauma. Here are some tips to keep in mind as you prepare to go through your divorce.
4 Mistakes To Avoid When Applying For Social Security Disability Benefits
Social Security Disability benefits are designed to help you if you have a long-term disability. The process takes a lot of work, so mistakes are easy to make. If you are going to file a disability claim, check out these four mistakes you need to avoid.
Waiting a Year to File a Claim
To qualify for Social Security Disability benefits, you have to be able to prove that your disability is long-term, which means it will prevent you from working for at least one full year.
3 Reasons You Might Need To Hire A Lawyer After The Divorce
Divorces can be complicated and messy, and the issues relating to the divorce can linger for years even after the divorce is through. Because of this, you may end up needing services from a family lawyer for issues relating to your divorce years later. While there are numerous reasons you may need to hire a lawyer after your divorce, here are three reasons you might find yourself calling up a family attorney.
5 Reasons To Use Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Rather Than Chapter 7
While most people assume that filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy is automatically better because your debt is wiped out, rather than Chapter 13 where you will still retain some of the debt, this is not necessarily the case. Here are 5 reasons to use Chapter 13 bankruptcy rather than to file for Chapter 7.
Behind On A Mortgage Or A Loan
If have fallen behind paying your mortgage for your home or a loan for an item such as a car, then you might want to take into consideration using Chapter 13 rather than filing for Chapter 7.
Auto Accident Settlement Myths: Four Things You Should Know
For something as common as auto accident injuries, there are a lot of misconceptions out there about what a victim can expect from a lawsuit. Before you decide whether or not you're going to pursue a case for your auto accident, you should be sure that you understand the truth about the process. Here's a look at a couple of the most common misconceptions that could be holding you back and the truth you need to know about them.
Top 3 Myths About Auto Accidents
When it comes to both car accidents and car accident lawsuits, there are quite a few misconceptions that are widely believed. Whether you have been in an auto accident or you know someone who has been, it's important to understand the facts. Read on for three popular myths that many people erroneously believe.
1. If you feel okay after a car accident, you are not seriously injured.
If you are in an auto accident, you will likely be brought to the emergency room, whether or not you are having pain or other symptoms of serious injury.
3 Things To Know About Character Reference Letters For Criminal Cases
If your adult child was just convicted of a crime, you may want to do something that may affect the court's decision on sentencing for your child. There is not a lot you can do at this point, but there is one thing. You could talk to respected individuals that know your adult child well and ask them to write character reference letters to the court. Before you do this, there are several things you should know about character reference letters.
How To Deal With A Slip And Fall Claims Adjuster
Dealing with a slip and fall claim can be a highly stressful time for many, particularly if you are losing earnings while waiting for your claim to be settled. One of the trickiest tasks many people face is dealing with an insurance adjuster, as these individuals are usually highly trained and experienced professionals who are out to maximize their company's profits. If you feel overwhelmed by this, consider the following three tips to effectively negotiate your claim:
What To Know When You're Injured On The Job
Getting injured while on the job is a stressful time. You are in pain and may not even be able to work. Luckily, workers compensation exists to help provide money for your medical expenses and lost wages. If you've been injured while working, check out these five important facts to help you navigate the confusing world of workers compensation.
You Have to Actually Be on the Job
The basic rule of workers compensation is that you have to actually be working at the time of the injury to be covered.
Accidental Conception: Can You Sue For Wrongful Pregnancy?
Planning for parenthood is essential in this day and age. The economical and career ramifications of child-rearing make birth control methods a natural part of most couples' sexual relationship. If you accidentally became pregnant while using birth control (which is always a possibility), you might be wondering if your doctor is at fault for your birth control failing. There are some cases where it will be possible for you to file for wrongful pregnancy.
Handling Custody When Your Ex-Spouse Develops Mental Health Issues
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, approximately 43 million people over the age of 18 were suffering from some form of mental illnesses as of 2012. How and when those illnesses develop is as varied as the people experiencing them. Whether your ex-spouse has struggled with mental illness for years or recently acquired a psychological disorder, your first priority is to ensure he or she is capable of maintaining a healthy home for your children.
Understanding Whiplash And Making A Claim For Injury
Acute whiplash can occur if your neck extends or rotates beyond its natural range of motion. This injury can occur in anyone; however, it is most prevalent in those who have been injured in a car crash. The majority of whiplash cases occur to passengers in the lead vehicle, as they are typically travelling more slowly at the point of collision. If you have recently been involved in a car accident and are feeling discomfort around your neck, read on to find out more about the injury and who to speak to for help.
5 Ways Pets Can Be Involved With Personal Injury Cases
Animals are often a big part of our lives, even when suffering a traumatic event like a personal injury. Whether it's through the actual injury or effects that occur after an injury, pets and animals can become an essential part of the case. When working with a personal injury attorney, it's important to consider the various factors that can attribute to pets.
There are five different ways that pets can be involved with personal injury cases.
Hit By A Drunk Driver? Keep These 3 Tips In Mind
No one is prepared to get into an accident with a drunk driver. Yet, according to MADD's statistics, someone is injured by a drunk driver every 2 minutes in the US. If you have unwillingly become a part of that statistic, you may be at a loss for what to do next. Fortunately, you don't have to just accept your injuries and property damage lying down.
If you arm yourself with these tips for building a strong case, you should be able to get the damages you need to move on with your life, either through a settlement or a successful suit.
When DIY Won't Do It: 3 Personal Injury Situations That Require A Lawyer
If you've been hurt under relatively straightforward circumstances, such as a run-of-the-mill fender bender, you can probably file your own claim to get the financial compensation you need -- but don't wade too deeply into these legal waters. Certain types of personal cases require the attention of an experienced personal injury attorney for you to have any chance of winning your claim. Here are three scenarios that don't respond to the "
Voir Dire: What It Is And How It Affects Jury Selection During Criminal Trials
Receiving a letter that summons you in for jury duty can be exciting to some people, but frightening to others. Serving as a juror is a responsibility you have as a citizen of the U.S., but there are a lot of unknowns for a first-time juror. If you are preparing for this duty for a criminal case, you may want to know how the jury selection process works, and one way to find this out is by learning what "
3 Things To Know About Secured Credit Cards After Bankruptcy
No one ever intends to land in a financial position where bankruptcy is the only way out, yet many people find themselves at the offices of bankruptcy attorneys signing the documents to file. If you were in this position and ended up filing for bankruptcy, you should begin looking for ways to rebuild your credit. Even though a Chapter 7 bankruptcy will stay on your credit report for 10 years, you should not wait this long to achieve good credit.
Involved In A Minor Car Crash? Follow These Five Steps To Protect Your Interests
For many, driving seems like such a mundane activity. That is, until there's an accident. All of a sudden you're stressed, the adrenaline is pumping and you are no doubt visibly and/or physically shaken. Even if the accident appears minor, you should call the police and check for injuries. After that, be sure you follow the five following steps to protect yourself and your property.
Be Polite but Don't Apologize
Motorcycle Myths That Could Cost You Your Life
If you ride a motorcycle, you've probably heard an untold number of myths and tips about driving your bike safely. The problem is, if you buy into every piece of inaccurate information you hear, you could be putting yourself at serious risk of a life-threatening motorcycle accident. Here are some motorcycle myths you may have heard that could kill you, and the correct information you need to stay safe on your motorcycle while driving.
Drosperinone Oral Contraceptives And Wrongful Death Lawsuits
According to the Guttmacher Institute, 62 percent of American women use a contraceptive to avoid unwanted pregnancy. The majority of these women uses a non-permanent contraceptive, and oral drugs have remained popular since 1982. Unfortunately, some oral contraceptives can cause serious injury or even death. Learn more about the effects of certain oral contraceptives and why some manufacturers now face wrongful death lawsuits.
How drosperinone works
Oral contraceptives are popular because they are cheap, easy to use, and effective at preventing unwanted pregnancies.
The Importance Of Liquor Liability Insurance
Selling or serving alcohol opens your business to many types of unforeseen liabilities. In the event that an inebriated customer injures their self or others, it's your business that ends up on the hook for medical bills and other damages. It's important to have the right type of insurance coverage that protects you against these liabilities.
How It Protects Your Business
Imagine an intoxicated patron leaves your bar in their vehicle and subsequently becomes involved in a serious or even fatal accident with another vehicle.
What Types Of Transactions Can Be Excluded From A Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
In today's economy, it may take only a small financial misstep or patch of bad luck to end up with more bills than income to cover them. If you've found yourself in such a situation, you may be mulling the idea of filing for bankruptcy protection -- either under a Chapter 11 or 13 repayment plan or a Chapter 7 discharge. Read on to learn more about how a Chapter 7 discharge works, and which debts you may be stuck with even after filing for bankruptcy.
Intestate Succession And The Importance Of Having A Will
A legally executed will ensures that the things you leave behind, including financial assets and property, are handled according to your wishes. It's not something you'd enjoy thinking about, but it has to be done if you want to be certain that the things you leave behind go to the people you love most.
Unfortunately, many people leave behind their families and loved ones without a will, leaving the task of disbursing assets up to the state.